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At least 8 out of the top 20 GMTK's jam games were made with Godot in 2024
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First Godot game featured in the latest GMTK's video

Last year, the official Game Maker's Toolkit account released a chart showing what engines were used for the top 100 rated games of the 2023 event. Godot was second with 22 games, behind Unity's 49.
Still no chart for the 2024 jam tho. So we'll have to make do with itch's metadata.

Godot games on the top 100: 21
Unity games on the top 100: 14

I don't even wanna make a chart out of it because it's too off the mark compared to last year's data: During 2023, there was only a 10% difference between Unity's usage versus its top rated games (59% use vs 49% top 100). Godot was 3% ahead.
Even outright maintaining that 10%, Unity should have at least 33 top 100 games.

Still, if totals aren't up to the task, we can use averages.
Here are the average scores for all games (I have) using either Godot or Unity, all 2031 games in the 3 categories and overall score:

Other than the obligatory "yay, Godot wins!" I'm not risking any conclusion out of this after just talking about Unity's probably having many more top 100 games.

But what about Mark's Top choices?

The games that made it into his annual video show that Godot is killing it with 40% of the pie.

Here's the list, with its correspondent time stamped link:

8 of the 20 games selected use Godot (That I know of!)

Shootouts to #2 and #3 on the video, Nested and Get Some Helium.

I'm just going to put one extra thing this week: A thread on Twitter by @reduzio (Juan Linietsky) about the Godot project and foundation. Passing the message along in case you didn't see it on Twitter:

If you have anything you want to share with the Godot development community please contact me at contact@godotes.com